Thursday, January 15, 2009

colossians 3

i read colossians 3 this morning.  good stuff...  paul lays out some application steps for us.  every time i read this book, i always think of paul setting up match stick men, and in this chp. he knocks them down.  he lays it out, all on the line for practical steps of how to live.

one thing stuck out to me through out the day...  

children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. 
Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

eric had a rough morning, so did i.  i took him to day-care where he catches the bus to school.  he forgot his back pack... ugh!  third or fourth time in as many weeks...  i said, "sorry buddy...i'm not going to get it this time"  he handled it calmly, NOT!  he freaked a little bit on me.  then, i got stubborn... :-) i said, "sorry.  you can cry all you want, i'm not getting it for you again.  if you don't want to go to school without it...don't forget it."

after 20 minutes at day-care and this type of bantering going back and forth...i left.  he was sitting on the floor crying.  i could have went on got the back pack 3 or 4 times with the time that i took in there.  and i didn't think about colossians until i got back in the truck.  oh man!  did i embitter him?  as the MSG says,  don't be too hard on your children or you will crush their spirits... did i crush his spirits?  

he was fine when he got to school and he was great tonight when i got home.  he learned a lesson...  and so did i.  i think the Lord was saying, hey!  be holy.  rely on Christ. don't be too hard on your kids.  raise them to be holy.  teach them to obey you.  love them like crazy.

great teachable moments!  i love it when these work out! 

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